I've been so insanely busy I've barely had time to sleep, let alone blog. And for that, you can thank my friends at The University Residences and Dining Services.
But then again, they sign my paycheck, and you never know who could read this, so let me just say for the record how much I enjoy being an RA and how I would never want to do anything to jeopardize my employment for TURDS. Excuse me. URDS.
Anyways, I've spent this last week making some gorgeous door decorations for my floor (which is Peter Pan themed) and making phone calls to all of my residents and going to the RA Training. RA Training is the greatest idea in the world, and I've spent lots of time learning about Dialogues, Community Building and all sorts of other interesting and useful topics. Please note, I'm being about 50% ish sarcastic about this, but the exact levels are indeterminate right now.
But listening to me ramble about RA Training is boring, so I'm going to instead write about the much more exciting things I did this weekend. This included watching OSU completely demoralize the University of Miami Hurricanes in a glorious football game on Saturday and also getting to meet Geof and Mary Alice from Ace of Cakes on Sunday.
This is me meeting Geof and Mary Alice. Alexa and Lauren are also pictured in this photo.

I was so happy I almost exploded.
This is me probably as close to marrying my dream husband Geof Manthorne as I will ever get. (If you are reading this and you are Geof or you know Geof, please tell him how much I love him.)
This is me about as happy as I'll ever be because I have an autographed picture of Geof and Mary Alice as well as an autographed Season 2 DVD and lots of pictures of the gorgeous Geof Manthorne.
Seriously, so great.
Following this excursion, Lauren and I got Bagels (which we had coupons for, which also included free coffee) and this made for basically the best day ever.
So I was talking to a friend of mine on Saturday named Stephen A. who said that he read the blog (well actually he said that he read the first two posts and then stopped, but it's the thought that counts right?) and I felt like I had to mention this for a lot of reasons.
1. I was really happy that he had even bothered to look at the blog
2. He told me he would read it more if he were mentioned in it.
3. It made me laugh that people would even bother to read this blog anymore considering I am no longer in England, but am now just blogging about my normal and sometimes ridiculous life.
So then I had a great idea! If you sometimes read this blog and think to yourself A) I spend all this time reading this blog, I would really like it if Jaclyn mentioned my name every once in a while or B) Wow, I would really like to know what Jaclyn thinks about this totally random idea because she writes about pretty insane stuff, I now have an amazing solution for you.
You can leave me a comment here on the blog, on my Facebook, or send me an email about something you want me to blog about and I'll blog about it. I will also mention that you were the one who gave me the idea, so you can have some fake internet fame of your own!!
Let's just be serious for a second, there's only so many interesting things that happen in my life, and there are certain topics I am legally prohibited from blogging about, so the more suggestions the better. The more random they are, the more I will probably enjoy blogging about them.
That being said, If you actually read this far down, Kudos to you, and also, You Rule.