If you know anything about Rum and Traditional English Pub food on this side of the Atlantic, then you probably guessed from the title of this blog post that it is traveling season with my good old family and that we are back in Bermuda. We're not anything but creatures of habit.
To the amazement of my entire family, I managed to not screw up our air travel too badly with my Transportation Curse. Alexa did almost have a cow when we waited an extra 10 minutes before going through security so that I could finish gulping down my scalding hot coffee at warp speed, as per her instructions. But don't worry, we made it to the gate with an entire hour to spare before boarding. Thank God Alexa keeps us on time and together. That minor tongue burn I received was totally worth it.
After a speedy layover in Charlotte where Alexa sprinted to the gate across three concourses at warp speed (new record) without breaking a sweat, we were on our way to Bermuda. But the fascinating part of the story comes from our delay at Bermuda customs at the fault of ..... (wait for it) ..... My Dad's Golf Club. Apparently since it was staying on the island they wanted to adequately test it for anthrax and such. And I'd just like to draw attention to the fact that it wasn't me this time!!!!
It was a very pleasant first day. We arrived on the island around 4, went down to the dock for a while, then went to Swizzle Inn for dinner where I had some delicious Fish and Chips and Mom and I split a Dark and Stormy (which was actually pretty gross so I just had Magden's).
Life here is relaxing and very inconsequential. Pictures should follow soon. My dad is gonna try to take a picture of an invisible singing tree frog that is the size of the average thumbnail and only comes out at night. If he actually does it, expect a great expose.