It has been a pretty amazing week here in the good old UK. In the past week I've gone on 2 backstage theatre tours, seen 4 different productions, ate numerous free meals courtesy of my wonderful visiting parents and somehow managed to meet Jonathan Groff.
That sentence rules so much it feels like it shouldn't exist. Let's try to top it.
Yesterday I went to Stonehenge, Bath and Windsor and today I visited Stratford.
Yup, I win.
This was like make Jaclyn's dreams come true week (oh hey reoccurring theme in this blog, we missed you). Because it is a bit late here and I did a lot of blog worthy things, I'm just gonna list them out.
1. I went and saw the Mousetrap. Performance #24, 031. I recommend it to everyone. Completely twist ending. Ruled.
2. I went and saw Henry IV part I at the Globe. The Globe theatre is amazing and I loved it. I stood for 3 consecutive hours and didn't mind at all. Also, Falstaff Rules.
3. Saw Julius Caesar at the Courtyard Theatre in Stratford Upon Avon by the Royal Shakespeare Company. Lots of fighting, blood and poetry. Makes perfect sense. And it ruled.
4. Visited Windsor Castle and saw the gigantic doll house of Queen Mary and my inner 5 year old went to heaven.
5. Went to the Roman Baths in (you guessed it) Bath. Also, saw the house where Jane Austen wrote most of her novels. Ruled.
6. Gave an homage to Spinal Tap at Stonehenge. Nigel would have been proud. And guess what? IT RULED! It might have been one of my favorite moments of the trip so far. Life is funny like that sometimes.
Also, I wrote a poem on the 2 hour train ride to Stratford. It's dedicated to William Blake. And Alison Sagara.
Little lamb, who made thee?
Dost thou know who made thee?
Little lamb I'll tell thee.
Little lamb, where goes thee?
Dost thou know where goes thee?
Little lamb I'll tell thee.
Karahi Gosht who eats thee?
Dost thou know who eats thee?
Karahi Gosht, I eat thee.
So Yummy and Delicious.
AND here it is, your moment of zen.
that ipod stonehenge picture is amazing.