Good News: This is gonna be a long blog post because I have been cramming so many different activities into my days because I only have one week left in glorious London.
Bad News: I only have one week left in glorious London and if I were a person who cried at things, I would start right about now.
I started off yesterday morning in the best possible way. And by that I mean I woke up in London, England (of all the places), Went to Monmouth Coffee Company and Hummingbird Bakery in SOHO and then paired London's best filter coffee with a black bottom cupcake for breakfast. I'm salivating just reminiscing about it.
Stop # 3: Hummingbird Bakery in SOHO. Bonus points for use of the color pink, and the inclusion of my third favorite type of bird.
And here is a picture of me with a Black Bottom Cupcake. Note: I am this excited because 1. Black Bottom Cupcakes are my favorite type of cupcake and 2. I have never EVER seen them sold in a store before.
From there, I walked around the West End a bit for the scenic tour while I did some shopping. Don't worry, I made excellent purchases. Here's a couple of good shots.
This is the view I had while I was eating my breakfast.
And here is a shot of Her Majesty's Theatre, home to the one and only production of a show involving a Phantom by Andrew Lloyd Webber. Ever.
And here's the Gielgud theatre, where Hair is playing. This is probably the 4th time I've walked past this theatre on this trip and I have yet to meet Gavin Creel. Unacceptable. The lack of Broadway celebrity sightings I've had on this trip is astonishing.
After my shopping/walking morning tour, we headed up to St. John's Wood to go to Shabbat services for that evening. Oh, and we decided to go ahead and visit Abbey Road while we were there, since its about 10 minutes.
Here's the crossing the The Beatles, and now I have walked across.
I could have laid down in the middle of that crosswalk and just absorbed that moment for hours. Except I would have almost certainly gotten hit by a car.
Shabbat Services were really nice, and the wine for Kiddush was the best Kosher wine I've ever had, no joke. They were definitely not using Manischewitz. I would have drank their wine like it was grape juice, but that would have been inappropriate. I promise I didn't. You can ask my companions.
Then, after Shabbat, we walked to Baker Street Tube Station where we saw (guesses anyone) THE SHERLOCK HOLMES BLUE PLAQUE!!!!! I was obviously not excited by this at all.
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