In case you couldn't read that, it says FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, I am so glad to be on Winter Vacation. And I seriously need a break. I have been working so hard reading articles for class, writing papers for class and watching movies for class, I need this break more than anything, just so that I can sit around my house, read books for pleasure, write for pleasure and watch movies for pleasure. I'm a girl of simple tastes really.
So expect a lot more blog posts because I will finally have time to blog for the first time in the past 3 months. Which is insane.
I'm going to do some serious soul searching over this winter break, starting with deciding what the meaning of my life is supposed to be, progressing to how can I make myself the most happy and ending with what are the implications of soul searching anyway. And by that time I'll be able to make a New Year's resolutions list with just enough time to go back to school and continue my life as it was before the soul searching started. I can't wait.
So while I'm thinking about lists, here is my scavenger hunt for things I want to do on Winter Break. This list is not all inclusive, and items can be completed in any order.
1. Watch Big Bang Theory Seasons 1,2, and 3
2. Watch How I Met Your Mother Season 1
3. Go to Zen Cha Tea Salon in the Short North
4. Go Shopping with Mom. Buy Boots, Coat, Gloves, Scarf (Bonus Points if everything matches)
5. Read Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim by David Sedaris
6. Finish The Wind-up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami
7. Steal the book Steal This Book by Abbie Hoffman (Bonus Points if you actually complete this)
8. Do Penguin Puzzle
9. Arrange Meshuganotes Music (at least 2 songs)
10. Learn a new song on the piano.
Every season of TV is worth 5 points. Every book is worth 10, and all activities are worth 15. Partial credit can be awarded for partially completed numbers, awarded based on the percentage of the activity completed, corresponding to the percentage of the full points possible.
All participants in this scavenger hunt must leave comment on this blog, and document tasks being done with pictorial proof. Happy Hunting and Happy Break!!!
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